Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cinderella: The Grimm Tale

On Saturday November 17, the Columbus Children's Theater visited our local library to present the story of Cinderella. We go to the library for all sorts of activities, but a live (free!) performance is a rare treat. We'd recently checked out the DVD of Disney's Cinderella at the library, so Emma's really into the story right now. However, the Children's Theater version was a bit different than the movie. In fact, at one point they added a little comic relief by stopping the play and saying, "Hey, where are pumpkin, mice, and fairy godmother?!" and went on to explain that this was based on the Brothers Grimm Tale. Of course, Grimm Tales can be violent, and Emma didn't like the part where the stepsisters cut off their toe and heel to try to make the shoe fit(!) even though they again made a joke of it ("You wouldn't really cut off someone's toe in a library, would you?!"). Either way, Emma gave it a thumbs up overall, but she wouldn't let me tell Todd about the violent part when we got home!

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