Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Frozen in Summer! (aka Emma's 7th birthday party)

Emma celebrated her 7th birthday last Saturday, August 30th. Dressed up as Queen Elsa, Emma greeted her 7 guests with Olaf stickers and crowns of their own. In spite of the heat, the girls enjoyed an ice cube race, water balloon toss, and pin-the-nose on Olaf game in the backyard. Thanks to Aunt Kristen and Eric, the girls also got to build their own snowmen made out of marshmallows, chocolate chips, candy corn, and pretzel sticks (which almost all promptly got eaten, some even before they were finished)! After the usual cake and presents, the kids put on their bathing suits and jumped in the wading pool. In spite of the heat, Emma had a very cool Frozen party!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

August Adventures!

Just like July, August flew by quickly. Here are some of the adventures we had throughout the month: Aunt Kristen, Grandma and Papa Isch went with us to Kings Island and Jungle Jim's in Cincinnati; Emma's friend Josie went with us to the Heath Pool; Emma started first grade; Emma's friend Maci went with us to "Cool Off with Olaf" night at Dawes; our church had its annual picnic at KOA campground, and Emma celebrated her 7th birthday with a ride on a 1960s firetruck in the Sweet Corn Festival Parade in Millersport!