Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thanksgiving at Grandma's

Okay, so I'm a little behind schedule...we celebrated Thanksgiving at Grandma Karen's (Todd's mom) in Toledo together with my family. As usual, Emma enjoyed everyone's company but was not interested in eating much of the feast (She ate just a couple of muffins before I broke down and fed her chicken nuggets!). The three of us stayed the rest of the weekend and enjoyed a trip to Major Magic's (like Chuck E. Cheese's), the Toledo holiday parade (complete with balloons and Santa), and a visit to "Kris Kringle Village") for a visit and picture with Santa. Emma waited patiently in line, watching the other kids, but when it was her turn, she could only stare at Santa. Santa then asked if she would sit with Mommy if I sat on Santa's lap...and she did! Santa had her look into his magic mirror...if she could see herself, it meant she'd been good. Not only did she see herself, but Mommy saw herself too!

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