Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Winner of a Weekend (and season's end)!

The last weekend in October was also the last weekend of the season for Kings Island. On Saturday the 26th, the gray sky and chilly winds did little to keep the crowds away. Luckily, we were prepared with fall jackets, hats and gloves. We spent most of the day in areas we knew would not be as busy, like the lesser-known roller coasters and the dinosaur exhibit. Emma once again enjoyed trick-or-treat with the dinosaurs, and she even got to dig in the fossil sand box, which was closed during our last visit because it was too wet. The highlight of our day actually had little to do with the park though...while we were at dinner, Emma lost her front tooth! We left for our hotel shortly after dark, just as the crowds were picking up for the last night of Halloween Haunt. Emma was more interested in getting some pool time at the hotel than in being spooked by scary people, and so were we!**Sunday's weather was-thankfully-sunny and about 15 degrees warmer. We enjoyed many of the rides in the kids' area one last time for the season. However, the highlight of our day and maybe even the best event of the season was in the Hall-o-Palooza Kids' Halloween Area. For the past 3 years, Emma has entered the costume contest every fall visit to the park. All interested kids are given a chance to walk up on stage, have their costume announced, and hug Snoopy. However, only 3 kids are chosen as the winners for best costume. While Emma has always enjoyed taking part in the event, her store-bought costumes have never really stood a chance of winning. When Emma wore her Lalaloopsy costume for the contest earlier in October this year, she quietly said afterwards, "I can't believe I didn't win!" Then, Todd suggested that this time she wear the Popcorn costume she and I had made together for her Girl Scout meeting a few weeks ago (see earlier post). Not only was it homemade, it was unique. After several attempts, we knew this was the perfect formula for a winning costume. Even so, when about 50 kids showed up-possibly the largest group we've seen-we tried not to get Emma's hopes up. But, as luck would have it, the majority of the kids were wearing store-bought super hero and princess costumes. When the winners were announced, we could hardly believe it...Emma's Popcorn outfit, which was made of cardboard and quilt batting and cost next to nothing, had taken second place!!! As she stood on stage with the other two winners (a pretty impressive peacock and extremely unique poison ivy), she was grinning proudly from ear-to-ear, complete with the gap where her front tooth had been just the day before!

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